13 research outputs found

    Life Table Lalat Buah (Drosophila melanogaster) yang Didedahkan pada Konsentrasi Subletal Sipermetrin

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    Drosophila melanogaster or commonly known as the fruit fly, is a type of insect found in rotting fruits or vegetables and plants material around the world with a wide distribution. This study aims at determining the LC50 value of eggs, larvae, pupae and the reproductive potential of adult fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) exposed to cypermethrin. The method used was an experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD). The data of mortality from toxicity tests were analyzed by ANOVA and Probit test using the SPSS application, while data on reproductive potential parameters were analyzed using the life table method using Ms. Excel. The results of this study showed that the LC50 value of cypermethrin was different at each development stage. The LC50 value from the lowest to the highest successively starts at the egg development stage, which was 1654,824 ppm, then at the egg stage was 3067,192 ppm, the imago stage was 3155,848 ppm and the pupae stage was 3755,014 ppm. The reproductive potential and population rate of D. melanogaster decreased significantly with increasing concentration, lower than the control. The best concentration that was able to reduce the value of the net reproduction rate (R0) and the ability of the population to multiply (λ) was 266.6 ppm with an average value of 0.22 and 0.86, respectively. Further, the best concentration in reducing the average life period (T) and the population reproductive potential (rm) were a concentration of 250.0 ppm with an average value of each parameter of 9.64 and -0.03

    Pada minimarket, produk merupakan bahan pokok yang akan dijual belikan. Produk di minimarket ini akan menentukan pengelompokkan data stok barang di Toko Toba. Dengan adanya masalah ini, perlu untuk menciptakan sistem baru menggunakan Rapidminer yang dapat

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    In minimarkets, the product is a staple that will be sold and bought. The products in this minimarket will determine the grouping of stock data at the Toba Store. Given this problem, it is necessary to create a new system using Rapidminer that can group stock data at Toko Toba, which was carried out at the Toko Toba Sedong minimarket and carried out in November 2021-January 2022. This k-means algorithm will not be affected by the order of objects which has been used.  In stock management that is carried out inaccurately and carelessly will cause very high and uneconomical storage costs, because there can be vacancies or excess goods and certain types of items. This study aims to group stock data using Rapidminer at Toba Stores into 2 clusters. The method that will be used in this research is using the K-Means Clustering method. This research is also strongly supported by 1 data mining tool, namely Rapidminer. Data mining on Rapidminer tools for cluster 0 there are 15 items and the data contained in it, for cluster 1 there are 9 data contained in it.Pada minimarket, produk merupakan bahan pokok yang akan dijual belikan. Produk di minimarket ini akan menentukan pengelompokkan data stok barang di Toko Toba. Dengan adanya masalah ini, perlu untuk menciptakan sistem baru menggunakan Rapidminer yang dapat mengelompokkan data stok barang di Toko Toba, yang dilakukan pada minimarket Toko Toba sedong dan dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2021- Januari 2022. Algoritma k-means ini tidak akan terpengaruh terhadap urutan objek yang telah digunakan. Dalam manajemen stok yang dilakukan secara tidak akurat dan asal-asalan akan menyebabkan biaya simpan yang sangat tinggi dan tidak ekonomis, karena bisa terjadi kekosongan atau kelebihan barang dan jenis item barang tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelompokkan data stok barang menggunakan Rapidminer pada Toko Toba menjadi 2 cluster. Metode yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan metode K-Means Clustering. Penelitian ini juga sangat didukung dengan 1 tools data mining yaitu Rapidminer. Data mining pada tools Rapidminer untuk cluster 0 terdapat 15 items dan data yang terdapat didalam nya, untuk cluster 1 terdapat 9 data yang terdapat didalamnya


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Kepemimpinan, Motivasi Kerja dan Komitmen Organisasi dengan Disiplin Kerja Aparatur Sipil Negara Kecamatan di Kota Tangerang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan penelitian survey untuk menjawab rumusan masalah dan membuktikan hipotesis penelitian yang diajukan, adapun instrumen penelitiannya berbentuk kuesioner yang dibangun dari penjabaran indikator – indikator tiap variabel dengan alat ukur skala Likert. Populasi penelitian ini adalah Aparatur Sipil Negara di 13 Kecamatan di Kota Tangerang yang berjumlah 920 orang, adapun penentuan sampel penelitian sebanyak 90 orang dengan menggunakan tehnik cluster sampling yang diukur secara statistika menggunakan rumus Slovin. Sebelum dilakukan analisis, instrumen diuji validitas dan realibilitasnya. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi teknik analisis korelasi pearson product moment, analisis korelasi berganda, analisis koefisien determinasi dan teknik analisis regresi sederhana dan regresi berganda. Hasil pengujian hipotesis dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa terdapat hubungan signifikan secara statistik antara kepemimpinan dengan disiplin kerja ASN Kecamatan di Kota Tangerang yang positif sebesar 0,727. Terdapat hubungan signifikan secara statistik antara motivasi kerja dengan disiplin kerja ASN Kecamatan di Kota Tangerang yang positif sebesar 0,842. Terdapat hubungan signifikan secara statistik antara komitmen organisasi dengan disiplin kerja ASN Kecamatan di Kota Tangerang yang positif sebesar 0,660. Terdapat hubungan signifikan secara statistik antara kepemimpinan, motivasi kerja dan komitmen organisasi secara bersama - sama dengan disiplin kerja ASN Kecamatan di Kota Tangerang yang positif sebesar 0,889

    Implementasi Aplikasi Mengenal Budaya Lokal Berbasis Android Menggunakan Metoda Sequential Searching

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini didasarkan pada masyarakat Indramayu yang masih minim informasi tentang bahasa Krama. Padahal pengetahuan tentang Bahasa Krama sangatlah penting dalam sebuah percakapan maupun pembicaraan yang menggunakan Bahasa Krama. Minimnya referensi tentang kosa kata dalam bahasa Krama Saat ini yang masih setia menggunakan bahasa daerah terbatas usia lanjut. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan punahnya bahasa daerah, sehingga perlu kerja keras untuk menyesuaikan setiap orang menggunakan bahasa daerah. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut maka perlu dilakukan perancangan sistem agar dapat memberikan pembelajaran tentang bahasa krama melalui platform android, sehingga mudah digunakan dan dipelajari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah pembelajaran berbasis Android yang mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan minat masyarakat dalam berbahasa lokal. Dalam penelitian ini mengunakan metode Research and Development (R&D). Karena hasil akhir dari penelitian ini akan menghasilkan suatu produk sistem informasi bahasa krama indramayu berbasis android menggunakan sequential searching. Harapan dari penelitian ini adalah memudahkan pengguna khususnya masyarakat Indramayu dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan minat masyarakat dalam berbahasa lokal   Kata kunci: Android, Bahasa Krama, Pengetahuan.   Abstract: This research is based on the Indramayu community, which lacks information about the Krama language. Even though knowledge of Krama is very important in a conversation or a conversation using Krama Language. Lack of references to vocabulary in Krama. Currently, people who are still loyal to use regional languages ​​are limited to the elderly. This can cause the extinction of regional languages, so it is necessary to make efforts for all people to get used to using regional languages. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to make a system design that is able to provide learning about Krama language through the Android platform so that it is easy to use and learn. This study aims to design an Android-based learning that can increase people's knowledge and interest in local languages. In this study using the Research and Development (R&D) method. Because the final result of this research will produce an android-based product of indramayu krama language information system using sequential searching. The hope of this research is that it makes it easier for users, especially the Indramayu community, to increase their knowledge and interest in local languages.   Keywords: Android, Krama language, Knowledge

    Smart Digital for Mobile Communication Through TVUPI Streaming for Higher Education

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    This study focuses on smart digital for mobile communication through television streaming. It makes use of the television station located in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) which requires further development. In 2017, research was carried out to develop web streaming and Mobile Audience through Smart Digital Mobile.  However, this study uses a research and development approach comprising of 10 main steps some of which are broadcast programs needed in education and local wisdom. The UPI TV Station gained then complete trust from all segments of viewers from the internal academic community. The content test and ease of access are expected to get an overview of the information needs of campus television by the wider community. The results of this project are as follows : (a) Syllabus and SAP Tools in Education Communication courses; (b) Evaluation of the sustainability programs of TVUPI broadcast based on the web streaming; and (c) Mobile Smart Digital Development in expanding the reach of TVUPI viewers based on web streaming

    Smart Digital for Mobile Communication Through TVUPI Streaming for Higher Education

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    This study focuses on smart digital for mobile communication through television streaming. It makes use of the television station located in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) which requires further development. In 2017, research was carried out to develop web streaming and Mobile Audience through Smart Digital Mobile.  However, this study uses a research and development approach comprising of 10 main steps some of which are broadcast programs needed in education and local wisdom. The UPI TV Station gained then complete trust from all segments of viewers from the internal academic community. The content test and ease of access are expected to get an overview of the information needs of campus television by the wider community. The results of this project are as follows : (a) Syllabus and SAP Tools in Education Communication courses; (b) Evaluation of the sustainability programs of TVUPI broadcast based on the web streaming; and (c) Mobile Smart Digital Development in expanding the reach of TVUPI viewers based on web streaming


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    This research was carried out in the Laboratory of Pests and Disease, Agricultural Faculty  of  Haluoleo  University,  from  October  to  December  2012.  This  research  was arranged   in   A   Completely   Randomized   Design   (CRD),   with   7   treatments,   namely: Gliocladium sp. in sago waste (a), Gliocladium sp. in cashew seed wastes (b), gliocladium sp. in saw dust waste (c), Gliocladium sp. in corn medium (d), Gliocladium sp. in bran medium (e),  Gliocladium  sp.  in rice  medium  (f) and  gliocladium sp.  in rice  husk  waste  (g).   The research results showed that media used had different effectiveness.   The most effective medium for Gliocladium sp. Propagation was rice bran medium, based on Gliocladium sp. growth (100%), and the number of Gliocladium sp. conidium ( 2,0 x105/g). Keywords: effectiveness, Gliocladium sp., medium, propagatio

    Professional Competence Of Teachers In Al-Washliyah Private Madrasah 16 Perbaungan Serdang Bedagai District

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    This study aims to determine: 1) Professional Competencies of the Teachers of MTs Al Washliyah 16 Perbaungan. 2) Professional Competencies that the Teachers of MTs Al Washliyah 16 Perbaungan do not have. 3) Professional Competence of MTs Al Washliyah 16 Perbaungan Teachers. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. This study uses a type of field research (Field Research), where this research was carried out directly at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Swasta Al-Wahliyah 16 Perbaungan, by making intensive field notes and then analyzing and interpreting the data that had been obtained. Data collection in this study was carried out using various techniques, including interviews and documentary studies. The results of the study showed that: 1) Professional Competencies of the Teachers of MTs Al Washliyah 16 Perbaungan. Based on the description of the findings above, it has been stated that there are 4 indicators of professional competence in MTs Al Washliyah 16 Perbaungan teachers, namely: a) planning learning, b) managing classes, c) mastering learning materials, d) using learning media. 2) Professional Competence that the MTs Al Washliyah 16 Perbaungan teacher does not have. There are two indicators of teacher professional competence that have not been maximally owned by MTs Al Washliyah 16 Perbaungan teachers, namely the use of methods and evaluation of student learning outcomes. 3) Professional Competence of MTs Al Washliyah 16 Perbaungan Teachers. In general, teachers at MTs Al Washliyah 16 Perbaungan have adequately understood the professional competence of teachers. However, in its implementation there are two indicators that have not been maximally applied, namely the ability to use learning methods and the ability to evaluate student learning outcomes.Keywords: competence, professional, teache

    Penerapan Algoritma Decision Tree Dalam Penentuan Karyawan Kontrak

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    The problem that arises at this time is a complicated evaluation (assessment) process, meaning that what often happens now is that contract employees who get promoted to permanent employees are only seen on one criterion, but the employee is not necessarily superior on several other criteria. but still get promotions for permanent employees. And there are several problems that exist today, namely the process of evaluating contract employees which is still subjective. Data mining using the decision tree method is widely used to deal with problems with large amounts of data. This decision tree method is a classification method that is widely used because its construction is relatively fast, the results of the model built are easy to understand and the prediction results are very strong so that they can assist in decision making. This study uses 4 criteria, namely Achievement, Ability, Personality and Results. Prediction results accuracy obtained is 91.54% with the following details. Prediction results are accepted and it turns out to be true, 72 data are accepted. Prediction Result Accepted and it turns out True Not Accepted for 14 Data. Prediction Results Not Accepted and it turns out True Accepted 1 Data. Prediction Results Not Accepted and in fact True Not Accepted Amounting to 91 Data.Kebutuhan akan SDM sebagai tenaga kerja di berbagai bidang yaitu tenaga kerja yang profesional dan trampil, memerlukan penanganan yang seksama. Pengelolaan SDM dari suatu perusahaan sangat mempengaruhi banyak aspek penentu keberhasilan kerja dari perusahaan tersebut. Dalam penilaiasn kinerja karyawan dilihat dari beberapa aspek sedangkan yang ada saat ini adalah Proses penilaian karyawan kontrak yang masih bersifat subjektif. Data mining dengan menggunakan metode decision tree banyak digunakan untuk menangani permasalahan dengan jumlah data yang banyak. metode decision Tree ini merupakan metode klasifikasi yang banyak digunakan karena pembangunannya relatif cepat, hasil dari model yang dibangun mudah untuk dipahami dan hasil prediksi yang sangat kuat sehingga dapat membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan. Penelitian ini mengunakan 4 Kriteria yaitu Prestasi, Kemampuan, Kepribadian dan Hasil. Hasil Prediksi akurasi yang didapat yaitu sebesar 91,54% dengan rincian sebagai berikut Hasil Prediksi Diterima dan ternyata True Diterima Sebesar 72 Data. Hasil Prediksi Diterima dan ternyata True Tidak Diterima Sebesar 14 Data. Hasil Prediksi Tidak Diterima dan ternyata True Diterima Sebesar 1 Data. Hasil Prediksi Tidak Diterima dan ternyata True Tidak Diterima Sebesar 91 Data